The last several years have seen an increased focus on global-wide sustainability efforts. Companies and people alike have become more conscious about their environmental impact and carbon footprint.
Corporations across the world have expanded their focus on reducing emissions and eliminating harmful waste byproducts. While many companies simply view sustainability as a mainstream buzzword—others are integrating it as a principal aspect of their business operations.
Cars have become increasingly more technical in recent years and nearly every part contains electronic components. When one of these parts breaks or dies—many companies are quick to simply replace it with a new one. AER Technologies, is one organization fueling innovation through preservation. AER fixes and repairs damaged electronics in a renewable and sustainable manner. Doing so decreases costs for consumers while being globally sustainable.
Let’s take a look at how AER is increasing its sustainability efforts in the automotive industry.
Meeting Sustainability Requirements
Many companies claim to practice sustainability efforts, but few are able to show impactful, tangible results. AER meets environmental standards using a clearly distinguishable and measurable approach with the help of ISO. As an independent, non-governmental international organization—ISO develops standards that can be measured and utilized by various types of companies.
AER adheres to ISO standard 14001, which are guidelines created for environmental management systems. These sets of standards holistically review a company’s environmental impact. Since 2013, AER has been registered in accordance with ISO 14001 which strives to achieve sustainable goals including:
- Protecting the environment through the mitigation of adverse environmental impacts
- Mitigating potential adverse effects of environmental conditions on the organization
- Assisting organizations in fulfillment of compliance obligations
- Enhancing environmental performance
As a global set of standards for environmental management systems—ISO 14001 evaluates company processes along with their impact on environmental elements such as waste, landfills, water, and air. They also help to ensure AER is compliant with all state and federal regulations.
ISO 14001 must be used on an on-going basis with efforts centered around continual improvement of organizational processes. Audits that measure AER’s practices against rigorous standards occur on an annual basis. All members of the AER team must be fully aware of ISO standards and how their position adheres to these principles.
AER continually strives to increase performance while simultaneously decreasing environmental impact. If standards cannot be met, managers must create and implement action plans for reaching these goals.
Electronics Remanufacturing
In the past, electronic components would be built to last for years. Nowadays, many automotive manufacturers strive to make products as cost efficient as possible. Although electronic components have become less expensive, they’ve also become increasingly less durable.
While many repair companies simply throw away damaged or broken parts—AER uses renewal options as an environmentally viable alternative. AER extends the lives of electronic components such as instrument clusters, radios, and more. These newly renovated parts are functionally equivalent to a brand new component.
Automotive companies have shifted their focus to remanufacturing efforts as a cost efficient and environmentally friendly alternative. Diagnostics teams identify problems before beginning the renewal process. Inoperable parts are disassembled, cleaned, and thoroughly assessed to determine if they can be replaced or rebuilt.
Broken parts aren’t the only source of remanufacturing needs. AER works with products deemed defective and return them to working form. This can be cost efficient for customers while being environmentally sound. If products cannot be rebuilt or restored, AER disposes them in an environmentally friendly manner.
State of the Art Facilities
AER houses state-of-the art facilities with strong diagnostic and in-house calibration capabilities. Diagnostic teams test newly repaired products before deeming them resellable. AER internal engineers fully test every component once repairs are complete in order to prevent part failure.
Using Smart Sequence Diagnostics, every technician is trained to identify common failures and potential issues. Products are meticulously repaired while undergoing rigorous testing to meet the highest environmental standards. Each product undergoes rigorous testing performed by equipment that has been precisely calibrated. These efforts help to extend the lifespan of electronic components rather than sending them to eternal damnation in landfills.
Other remanufacturing companies lack the in-house environmental capacity necessary for testing the reliance and compliance of components. AER prides itself on using state-of-the-art environmentally friendly facilities that comply with state and federal standards.
How AER is Using Sustainability to Stand Apart
Decreasing our carbon footprint and becoming environmentally friendly is critical to long-term global sustainment.
When electronic components break, replacement doesn’t always have to be the solution. Renewal is an effective option that can be less expensive for consumers while being more environmentally friendly.
As a leader in the electronics remanufacturing industry, AER takes satisfaction in staying at the forefront of renewal and sustainability. We strive to never stop innovating while holding sustainability as our number one priority. AER continues to expand their capabilities while adhering to the highest sustainability standards.